Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Most Amazing Feeling

Kate Moss once said "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". I couldn't agree more. After spending the last 2 hours or so exercising my butt off, I feel thinner already! It's the most rewarding feeling when you can exercise and afterwards you can just put your hands around your waist and know that you're thinner. I know I can always control how thin I am; you choose your fate. I am choosing to be beautiful! I did lunges, sit-ups, squats, pikes, toe touches, flips, hand stands, push ups, I ran...I feel great! I'm going to do more when everyone goes to sleep! Caffeine pills and laxatives are the key to my life! I already took some caffeine pills before I exercised but I'm going to take more and some laxatives. They make everything better!
I will get there.
~People may betray you, but Ana never will.~
Off to bake cupcakes for the fam. I won't eat any of course, just watch them(:

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