Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I. Hate. Food.

So, last night I probably only ended up exercising for about another 1 1/2 hours because....After I finished for a little while, (and I know I shouldn't have) I ate 3 raw carrots and 5 apple slices, and then I threw all of them up along with the water I drank. Not on purpose, it was completely involuntary! This is what happens when I try to eat food normally. This is part of the reason I hate eating in front of people, I mean what if I was just sitting at dinner one night and I ate 10 bites and then had to run to the bathroom? How embarrassing....I guess that's what I get for eating though, I knew I shouldn't have and I did anyways. I took 45 laxatives and some caffeine pills and diet pills yesterday though and then I felt so much better. I haven't eaten anything today and I don't think I'm going to. Water is all I need. Water is all anyone needs. I feel thinner already! I have been so off for the past month or so but I'm back on track now and I'm not going to let anything stop me!
So beautiful. So perfect.
One day(:
~I'd rather die thin than live fat.~

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