Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I was SO discouraged because I have been trying so hard to lose more and it was like I hit a brick wall! I have weighed the same thing for over a month and this summer I lost 50 lbs....It's been driving me crazy!!! I was hysterical yesterday because I had to go to my therapist and my nutritionist (My weekly routine now :/) and I had found a scale the day before so I knew kind of what I weighed and then my therapist weighed me and let me see my weight for the first time ever and I had gained 1 1/2 lbs....FOR NO REASON!!!! I had not eaten that day and the day before I had only had like grapefruit juice, water, and some hummus. Not to mention the 75 laxatives I took!  I mean, I was crushed! I just felt like a failure. But then, it all got better today because after not losing weight for like 6 weeks...I weighed myself 15 times today and I weighed less every time! And I drank stuff today guys so it's not one of those "You just dropped water weight, it'll be back tomorrow" moments. I have lost 6 1/2 lbs SINCE YESTERDAY! I don't know, maybe I'm on a super high right now but I feel amazing! I crushed that fucking brick wall to pieces. I'm done trying to beat through it. I'm headed on the path of beauty now(:
I would definitely consider today a win!
So pumped!
Goal? To have lost 10 more lbs by Monday....maybe a little extreme, but I'm going to give it all I've got!
So beautiful!
I want this more than anything!
And I finally feel like it's possible!
~No one ever said it would be easy, but I promise it will be worth it.~
Off to finish homework then to workout!
Ah, I feel amazing!

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