Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It only gets better(:

I weighed myself 30 times today. Every time I stepped on, I would step off and back on to double check my weight loss. I have lost 5 more lbs! This is so huge, I feel amazing! I don't even know how it's coming off so fast! It's seriously about time though, I mean weighing the same thing for 6 weeks?? It's pathetic! I should have lost a ton more by now! My goal is still 5 more lbs by Monday(: Anything more is just frosting on the cake (which I would never eat of course).
New problem though, I have gotten nose bleeds in the past, they're no big deal. I had never gotten them at all until I started purging and stuff but they're whatever now. My new thing is that like when I blow my nose or like today when I was purging, a clot of blood just came out of my nose, like what in the world?? It wasn't like a nose bleed at all! It's so weird! Whatever though, It's worth it.
Beauty from Pain: Superchick

~Respect yourself, put down the fork.~
{Stay strong}

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